Are You Feeling Disconnected From Your Partner and Blaming Yourself? This Is The Issue…
On a tweet by Adina Rivers, Jax Solomon responds:
Here’s an Important and controversial post:
Enlightenment relieves where there is confusion. To enlighten is either *enlighten* the load or to *shed light* onto something.
You are confused where there’s lack of understanding. A lot of your misunderstanding reside in the area of your relationships where most of your pain in life come from.
For virtually everyone in any relationship [personal or professional], proximity breeds familiarity breeds contempt.
You can circumvent this by managing your relationship appropriately and having good relationship strategies.
*This is not unethical manipulation. Managing relationships well is a benefit to everyone involved. This is also specific to EVERY relationship with EVERY individual.
When you sleep with your partner for other-than-sexual reasons, your brain begins to interpret them as familiar (like ‘family’)
After enough time, you’ll essentially be pheromonally siblings and have the pheromonal chemistry of siblings.
You can deter this by having strategies so you seldom sleep for reasons other than s e x such as having separate rooms. Be creative and accepting that where you’d rather have unlimited and unobstructed access, you’re open to its consequences (this isn’t necessarily bad! Some partnerships don’t necessarily need so much sexual intensity).
What’s your sleeping situation?